Nov 6: The tumor suppressor p53, its reg...

Title : The tumor suppressor p53, its regulation and therapeutic potential

Speaker: Zhi-Min YuanProfessor, Dept. of Genetics and Complex Disease, Harvard School of Public Health

Host: Prof. Jiemin Wong

When: 2012-11-6 10:00

Where: Conference Room 534, School of Life Sciences


Abstract:Functional characterization of the p53 pathway has been a major research area of my laboratory for more than 10 years. Apart from the characterization of signals and pathways important for p53 regulation, we’ve also investigated the biological function of p53 under normal and pathological conditions. Our understanding of p53 biology has reached to the point where we are actively conducting translational research to explore the therapeutic potential of p53. Our research also involves the DNA damage responses, radiation-induced response in particular. We are interested in elucidation of the signaling mechanisms that regulate cellular response to stress and in examining how stress is converted into intracellular signals that control cell behavior in the context of carcinogenesis in general and breast cancer in particular. Our long-term goal is to gain a better understanding of the biology of carcinogenesis, which would then allow us to design effective strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancer.




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