Dec 12 : The role ofLTB4-BLT1-mediated C...

Title : The role ofLTB4-BLT1-mediated CD4+T cell trafficking in tissue inflammation

Speaker: Rui He

Host: Prof. Yuping Lai

When: 2012-12-12  13:30

Where: Conference Room 534, School of Life Sciences



Leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) are rapidly generated enzymatically from arachidonic acid at sites of acute inflammation and actively participate in inflammatory processes by recruiting and activating various immune cells. LTB4 primarily exerts its biological effects by interacting with its high-affinity receptor BLT1 that is predominantly expressed on immune cells, including neutrophils and effector T cells. The regulation of LTB4-BLT1 interaction may provide effective therapeutic strategies to control the tissue inflammation.


Shanghai Regulation Biology Key Laboratory, School of Life Sciences Building, East China Normal University, Dongchuan Road 500, Shanghai, ZIP Code 200241

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