Nov 14 : New PTM Pathways, New Histone M...

Nov 14 : New PTM Pathways, New Histone Marks and Their Regulatory Enzymes

SpeakerYingming Zhao, Ben May Department for Cancer Research, the University of Chicago

Host: Pro. Jiemin Wong

When: 2013-11-14  10:30

Where: Conference Room 534, School of Life Sciences

AbstractHistone marks play a crucial role in diverse biological processes and aberrant modification of histones contributes to diseases. While about 100 histone marks were previously described, it remains unknown if additional histone PTMs exist. In this presentation, we will report several types of novel histone PTMs that we recently discovered: lysine propionylation, lysine butyrylation, lysine crotonylation, lysine malonylation, and lysine succinylation. These new histone PTMs were comprehensively verified by both chemical and biochemical methods. We identified more than one hundred fifty new histone PTM sites. We will report our preliminary studies on identifying enzymes that regulate these histone PTM pathways, mapping out their non-histone substrates, and characterizing their biological functions. These studies dramatically extend the catalogue of histone PTM sites and suggest new mechanisms for cellular regulations.


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