11月23日 吕东平:The ontogeny of plant innate immunity
讲座题目:The ontogeny of plant innate immunity
主讲人:吕东平 博士 中科院遗传发育所农业资源中心研究员,基金委“优秀青年基金”获得者
主持人:许 玲 教授
时间:2018年11月23日 下午13:00
Innate immunity plays a vital role in protecting plants and animals from pathogen infections. Immunity varies with age in both animals and plants. However, little is known about the ontogeny of plant innate immunity during seedling development. We found that Arabidopsis miR172b regulates the transcription of the immune receptor FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2) through TARGET OF EAT1 (TOE1) and TOE2, which directly bind to the FLS2 promoter and inhibit its activity. The level of miR172b is very low in the early stage of seedling development, but increases over time, which results in decreased TOE1/2 protein accumulation and, consequently, increased FLS2 transcription and the ontogeny of FLS2-mediated immunity during seedling development. Our findings reveal a role for the miR172b-TOE1/2 module in regulating plant innate immunity, and elucidate a regulatory mechanism underlying the ontogeny of plant innate immunity. 
吕东平,博士,中科院遗传发育所农业资源中心研究员,博士生导师。1998年内蒙古大学本科毕业,2001年获中科院植物所硕士学位,2007年获美国夏威夷大学博士学位,2008年到2012年,先后在夏威夷大学和德州农工大学从事博士后研究。2012年底回中科院遗传发育所农业资源中心工作,建立“植物抗病遗传学研究组”。2013年获得国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年基金”支持。在植物天然免疫信号转导领域取得了一系列研究成果,相关成果发表在Science,PNAS,Plant Cell和Plant Journal等国际期刊上。 


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