2023年9月14日 徐浩新:Molecular Physiology of Lysosomes

报告题目:Molecular Physiology of Lysosomes

报 告 人:徐浩新 浙江大学求是讲席教授

主 持 人:阳怀宇教授




浙江大学医学院基础医学院院长、浙江大学求是讲席教授、良渚实验室双聘教授、美国密歇根大学生物学系客座教授,溶酶体离子通道和疾病研究的世界领军人物,入选国家高层次人才和浙江省“鲲鹏行动”顶尖人才计划。徐教授长期从事神经生物学、细胞生物学、分子生物学等领域的教学和研究,是国际公认的TRP通道及细胞器离子通道研究专家,是溶酶体电生理记录的开创者。迄今为止,徐教授共鉴定12种未知离子通道蛋白,包括8个溶酶体离子通道蛋白。获美国青年科学家总统奖(PECASE),斯隆研究奖,密歇根大学杰出教授奖等奖项。发表高水平论文80余篇、H-Index 54、累计引用两万多次,包括《Nature》及子刊14篇、《Science》及子刊2篇、《Cell》及子刊8篇、《PNAS》9篇。生物和生化方向高被引学者。杭州曜点生物科技有限公司和美国波士顿 Lysoway Therapeutics 公司联合创始人。


More than 50 human diseases collectively called lysosome storage diseases (LSDs) are the result of problems in trafficking to, degradation within, or export from lysosomes. Emerging evidence suggests that common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are also lysosomal (dysfunction) disorders. Dr. Xu has developed a unique research program for understanding the cell biology of lysosomes, and its relationship to lysosomal storage disorders and common neurodegenerative diseases such as AD and PD. This program combines electrophysiological and imaging approaches typically used to study plasma membrane ion channels with molecular and biochemical approaches typically used to understand organelle function. The combined approach has allowed his lab to find eight lysosomal ion channels and identify the activating cellular cue for each of them. With his unique and combined expertise in both organellar electrophysiology and chemical cell biology, Dr. Xu’s work may not only reveal at the molecular level how information exchange occurs rapidly between the lysosomal lumen and cytosol, but also lead to new therapeutic approaches to treating lysosomal diseases.


上海市调控生物学重点实验室    上海市东川路500号华东师范大学生命科学学院生命医学研究所    邮编 200241   联系人:韩姬    沪ICP备05003394

Email:jhan@bio.ecnu.edu.cn    电话:021-54344030    技术支持:ECNU信息化办公室