12月13日 Dr. Yimin Zou: Wnt/planar cell polarity signaling in neural circuit assembly
报告题目:Wnt/planar cell polarity signaling in neural circuit assembly
报告人:Dr. Yimin Zou, professor and Chair of Neurobiology Section, Biological Sciences Division at University of California, San Diego.
主持人:廖鲁剑 教授
报告时间:12月13日 下午13:30(周三下午)
报告地点: 生命科学学院534报告厅
报告人简介: Professor Yimin Zou obtained B.S. in Genetics from Fudan University. Through the CUSBEA program Yimin obtained Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Dr. Kenneth R. Chien from University of California, Davis and San Diego. He completed his postdoctoral training with Dr. Chien, and then with Dr. Marc Tessier-Lavigne in University of California, San Francisco. Afterward, he was appointed as an assistant professor, then promoted to associate professor at University of Chicago. From 2006, Dr. Zou moved to University of California, San Diego as an associate professor. In 2011 he was appointed as a full professor, and since 2014 he serves as the Chair of Neurobiology Section, Biological Sciences Division at University of California, San Diego. His current research focuses on axon guidance, synapse formation, injury and repair of the central nervous circuits.
报告内容简介:Neural circuits are formed by specific synaptic connections among neurons. Axons on the presynaptic side need to find their partners during development to make proper connections. We found that the Wnt family proteins are expressed in gradients and provide directional instructions for axons. We also found the planar cell polarity pathway mediates growth cone turning. In adulthood, we found that Wnts are induced and the guidance system become reactivated after spinal cord injury and there pulsive Wnt functionon axons mediated by Ryk inhibits the sprouting of collateral branches of corticospinal motor neurons and the regeneration of spinal cord sensory neurons. Blocking Ryk mediated inhibition can promote neural circuit repair and functional recovery after spinal cord injury.


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